No matter how old we are, emotions are part of our lives. Yet, expressing our own feelings and relating to other people doesn't always come easy. It's a skill we need to learn and develop. Roots of Empathy has developed a uni...
According to various studies over 40% of us will feel the aching pangs of loneliness at some point in our lives. Loneliness is experienced by people of all ages, all genders, all cultures and the feeling of disconnection has ...
Have you ever bought a caffè sospeso, a pending coffee? Have you ever invited a stranger over for Sunday lunch? We all know that having a drink with a friend or sharing a meal with our family is one of the easiest way to deep...
Can patience make a difference? Can it have an impact? And even more pressingly: can being patient be fun? Find out the answers to these questions and discover how patience got popular at a supermarket chain in the Netherland...
What do therapists, FBI negotiators and people who build bridges across social divides have in common? They know und use the secret that turn a (sometimes difficult) conversation into game changing one. These days social gaps...
Can you run a business based on trusting your customers? Can you build trust in communities that have experienced conflict and war? The answers to these two questions will bring you to a bakery in Saudi Arabia and the Hand in...
What's at the core of a civilization? In this episode we're going to answer this question in a very pragmatic fashion by looking at a community project in Lebanon and by discovering how a tether may be more than just a way of...