What's at the core of a civilization? In this episode we're going to answer this question in a very pragmatic fashion by looking at a community project in Lebanon and by discovering how a tether may be more than just a way of physically connecting people.
Links on becoming a guide:
For Australia, New Zealand, the USA, Canada, Singpore, the UK: https://www.attendly.com/guide-running-with-blind-or-visually-impaired-runners/ - last download: 27/08/21.
For Germany: https://www.guidenetzwerkdeutschland.de/blinde-und-seheingeschraenkte-laeufer - last download: 27/08/21.
On Margaret Mead:
Ira Byock, The Best Care Possible: A Physician’s Quest to Transform Care Through the Ende of Life (Avery, 2012), quoted in https://ismailalimanik.medium.com/the-first-sign-of-civilization-95bc3f44f956 - last download: 27/08/21.
On Nation Station:
https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/libanon-269.html - report dated 04/08/21 - last download: 27/08/21.
https://thenationstation.org/ - last download: 27/08/21.
https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/eine-welt.798.de.html - programme "Eine Welt" dated 31/07/21 - last downdoad: 27/08/21.
On VIs and their guides:
https://www.unitedinstride.com/testimonials - last download: 28/08/21.
https://www.espn.com/espnw/culture/feature/story/_/id/17613452/be-paralympic-guide-runner-chris-clarke-tells-all - last download: 28/08/21.
http://www.sharingthelioncity.com/vision-impaired-connects-with-others-through-sports/ - last download: 28/08/21.
https://www.guidenetzwerkdeutschland.de/lauf-guide - last download: 28/08/21.