Can patience make a difference? Can it have an impact? And even more pressingly: can being patient be fun?
Find out the answers to these questions and discover how patience got popular at a supermarket chain in the Netherlands, and why it plays a role in bridging the age gap in a language school in Brazil.
And should you be in a hurry:
The impact of patience depends on two things: How patient are you when it comes to others and how patient are you when it comes to yourself. Spoiler alert: Somehow the two are inevitably linked.
The Netherlands
https://nieuws.jumbo.com/persbericht/jumbo-geeft-startschot-voor-opening-200-kletskassas/616/#clip_content; last downloaded: 06/11/21.
https://theworld.org/stories/2018-04-18/amsterdam-tackling-loneliness-one-dance-party-time; last downloaded: 06/11/21.
https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20210403/p2a/00m/0na/005000c; last downloaded: 06/11/21.
https://videosift.com/video/Young-Brazilians-learn-English-by-talking-with-old-Americans; last downloaded: 06/11/21.
https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/population-by-country/; last downloaded: 06/11/21.
https://www.distancecalculator.net/; last downloaded: 06/11/21.