Have you ever bought a caffè sospeso, a pending coffee? Have you ever invited a stranger over for Sunday lunch?
We all know that having a drink with a friend or sharing a meal with our family is one of the easiest way to deepen our human connections.
But it can also be a life-changing experience.
No matter if you're a coffee person or a tea lover, listen in and find out
how the tradition of caffè sospeso in Napels is an act of solidarity in which the whole city participates
and why Berlin summers are worse than its winters and how Sunday lunches can change a life.
Sources Italy:
https://www.donnad.it/caffe-sospeso-napoletano - last downloaded 04/12/21.
https://napoliparlando.altervista.org/il-caffe-sospeso-a-napoli-origini-e-tradizione/ - last downloaded 04/12/21.
https://www.fodors.com/world/europe/italy/naples/experiences/news/this-generous-cafe-tradition-lives-on-in-naples-even-despite-covid - last downloaded 04/12/21.
https://querstadtein.org/ - last downloaded 04/12/21.