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Fif Fernandez

Fif Fernandez Profile Photo


Fif Fernandes is on a mission to bring a positive shift in happiness, health, education, freedom of choice and economic growth for individuals, organizations and our nation. Her vision: A Happy Healthy India for All by raising India’s ranking in the World Happiness Index by the UN.
Fif’s has been highlighted in the international award-winning documentary “Hope Doctors” (PSBT). She has received multiple national and international awards for her work including the YES! i am the CHANGE (India), YMCA Peace Award (Canada), Bronze Apple (USA), Canadian Cable Awards (Canada).

Fif has a unique ability to integrate the body, mind, spirit and heart of people with varying abilities from infants to elders 104 years of age, through techniques she has developed from over 35 years of direct experience as a Performance Artist, Arts Educator and Artist in Healthcare in Canada, India, USA and Uganda.

Sept. 26, 2021

EP05: The Power of Joy with Fif Fernandes - MeDi Clown Academy India

If you worked in the film business and had worked with Hollywood greats like Brad Pitt - would you leave that life behind to go to Auroville, South India to start an NGO? That's exactly what Fif Fernandes did. While mental he...
Guest: Fif Fernandez